Thursday, May 19, 2011

Less than 6 months to go...

Wow... less than six months until our wedding day.  It feels like yesterday that TJ asked me to be his wife in Rutgers Woods.  Like every other OCD bride, I have a countdown from The Knot on my phone and every day I check it (183 days!) and share the dwindling time with T.  Time is going by quickly.  I cannot help but become anxious that I am forgetting to do something or am waiting too long to do something.  Thank goodness for the many checklists that I have collected from many magazines.  I mention checklists, plural, because each one has different milestones to take care of that another might leave out.  They are all in my infamous binder and keep me on track.  There are also many checklists available online which give mainly the same information but in a more "green" way. On top of the checklists, I have printed out a 2011 calendar and have color coded different due dates with an accompanying key (Proof reading this, I notice I sound  uber OCD!).  I do not know how brides go without a binder, checklists and calendars!  Unheard of!  
I believe it is time to sit back and relax a bit since a majority of the details have been taken care of.  All I am waiting for anxiously is my dress!!  It will be here in July so you will definitely be hearing about that soon!
Time to relax this summer and bask in the engaged life with my T!

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