Since my last DIY post I have decided to take on even more DIY projects to add a special touch to our very special day. One project I decided to start (with help from my fellow Bride-to-be Tricia) was making cocktail stirrers! They are turning out to be the cutest personal touch yet, according to me of course!
After conversing with Tricia, I did my research on the very inspirational Etsy (big surprise). Once I visited the site, I found stirrers that I simply fell in love with! They were scalloped circle cut outs with little circle centers with cute saying and greetings. Thanks to Tricia, again, I was supplied with a bunch of wooden cocktail stirrers. If you refer to one of my earlier posts you will discover that I bought cover stock from staples to save some $$ on a prior DIY project. That cover stock has come in very handy and has been used to create some noteworthy documents and details... now, including cocktail stirrers!! I visited one of my favorite font websites, chose a beautifully swirly font and went to town! Making sure the saying would fit in a 1-3/8" circle paper punch, I printed out the sayings on the cover stock. For the backing of the stirrer, I ventured out to the wonderful Michael's and purchased shimmery (are you surprised) plum heavy scrapbook paper... on sale! Using a 2" scalloped paper punch, I punched out the backing paper, hot glued it to the stick, and then hot glued the circle with the saying onto the stick and backing. Voila! Sassy cocktail stirrers! Check 'em out...

These are the cutest detail that our guests will throw out! But they were so worth the time!